Thursday, May 8, 2008

Form and Function

One of the many aspects that holds the modern Church back in their honest efforts to make disciples of Jesus Christ is their dedication to "Form" over "Function".

The function of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Form should be what a local body of Christ does in order to facilitate that function.

Most Churches in this age spend more time in obedience to the form that there Church has implemented (i.e Sunday morning service attendance, Wednesday night youth services/fellowship dinners, 20 minutes of worship, 20 minute sermons etc.) that no one ever stops to ask, "is our form really accomplishing our function (making disciples)?

My challenge to you would be to ask that question and then literally throw out every practice that is not accomplishing your goals as a body of Christ! If it is not accomplishing the goal it is a waste of resources. Question everything that you do as a Christian so see if your resources are producing the fruit that you need to see in your life and the life of your Church.

Don't get caught up in obedience to your traditions as they have no intrinsic spiritual value! Stay focused on obedience to the commands of Christ to make disciples and love your neighbors as yourself!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Thank you for writing all of this down so plainly; reading it inspires and reminds me of how to serve God and why we are different in the way we act.