Jesus Christ said "all authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commended and lo I am with you even to the end of the age". (Matthew 28)
A few things that I would like to point out here:
1. All authority in Heaven and on Earth belong to Jesus Christ, so when he commands us to do something we had better take note of it!
2. His authority goes with us as we obey this command to make disciples "I am with you", this is an amazing reality as we go and make disciples of Christ, we are not going it alone or outside of authority. We are under His perfect authority as we carry out this command!
3. The word "baptize" is a Greek word that literally means to "fully identify with" (e.g. if I were to take a white cloth and submerse it into a red die until it took on the full red color before taking it out I would have baptized it into the red)
4. The Greek word for name literally means "authority", this means that we are to be identifying disciples of Christ with the authority of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit and in this way send them out to do the same to others! (See blog post titled "Baptism" for more info)
5. Christ said to teach them how to obey His commands not what those commands are! It is not part of our mission to teach the commands of Christ, we are however commanded to teach people how to obey them. This command taken at its true meaning would drastically change how most churches today would handle the word of God. Instead of teaching the commands why don't we focus on teaching people how to obey the ones they already know!
I hope this helps to unlock the "Great Commission" for you in a way that makes good practical sense for you . If we start to live this command in the way Christ meant it we would be rapidly making functioning disciples of Christ and functioning Churches!
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